Technical Support

Maintenance of the SAT

1 Daily maintenance 
Turn off the exhaust fans after 30min of the pump stopped to make sure the complete dry of the pad. To check if all empty in the bottom frame after system stopped to avoid the pad bottom is dipped in the water all the time. 

2 Water quality control 
The pool must be sealed with a cover. Keep the water resource clean. The ph value should be between 6 – 9 and the electric conductance should be less than 1000 micro-ohm. Clean the pool and water recycling system regularly to assure the cleanness of water supply system. (usually once a week). Maintain the good quality of the water supply. To prevent alga and other microbe from spreading the SAT, two measures can be adopted: put in 3-5ppm Chlorine or Bromine for short time treatment or 1ppm for continuous processing. 

3 Rats prevention 
Can install rats defense or use rats killing spray at the bottom of the pad when not in use 


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Contact Us


Jiangyin SAT Air Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd

Add: No. 62 Guibin Road, Ligang Street, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu, China

Fax: +86-510-86605978

Zip Code: 214441

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