
PPX Super Silicone Gel Rotor

The PPX Silica gel rotor is intended for use in dehumidifiers where the process air has a very high moisture content and needs extraordinary reduction of the moisture content (a high delta x).


Systems designed for high delta x often use a pre-cooler to take out some of the moisture before it reaches the desiccant rotor. Under certain conditions, the PPX rotor can do the job alone without the need for an extra pre-cooler.

The silica gel is produced in situ during the manufacturing process, and the PPX formula ensures improved dehumidification performance and energy efficiency. As a result, a dehumidifier with a PPX rotor offers more dehumidification for less running cost than a unit equipped with another rotor of the same dimensions. This is an important factor when LCC aspects (Life Cycle Cost) for a dehumidifier plant are evaluated.


Proflute holds unique manufacturing techniques of PPX rotors, well-defined and stable manufacturing conditions makes it possible to closely tailor the amount and characteristics of the silica gel used in the rotors.

This ensures and maintains a high level of repeatability in the process which in the long run guaranties a stable and high quality production output of world class rotors. The capacity, pressure drop and other process characteristics of the PPX rotors are easily calculated using our projecting software, which is available for all regular customers.

Apart from delivering rotors with standard dimensions and properties as outlined overleaf, Proflute can produce replacement rotors in sizes to fit most existing dehumidifiers.

Our offer to you is to provide rotors to fit your needs, with world class performance and dimensioned to your specific demands.

  • High desiccant content

    The PPX rotor has a very high, 82%, active Silica Gel content. It can be used for most environment and applications.

  • Fire Resistance

    The rotor media provided by ProFlute AB has been tested according to ASTME test E-84 and achieved a flame-spread index of 0 and a smoke index 0.

  • Unique moisture adsorption

    The density of dry media is approximately 280 kg/m3. The dehumidification capacity will be more excellent in hot and humid environment. There is no limit for how high relative humidity the PPX rotor can stand as long as the droplets are not introduced into the rotor during operation.

  • Water washable

    The rotor can be washed in the water when the rotor is saturated in humid environment. The PPX rotor should be washed with weak non-alkaline detergent.

  • High surface strength

    The surface compression strength of the rotor is more than 200kpa.

  • Variety in construction

    The various kind of rotor construction could be made according to the customers’ requirement, such as selection of raw material of the metal parts and with or without flange etc.For the large rotors, the knockdown construction will be very convenience for transportation and assembly on site.

Dimensions, standard rators

Diameter, mm Available depth, mm Shaft diameter, mm Delivered knock-down
100~350 50, 100 or 200 20 No
450~550 100,200 or 400 20 No
600~1050 200 or 400 20 No
1150~1950 200 or 400 30 Can
2000~3000 200 or 400 40 Yes

So many sizes of rotors can meet dehumidifier manufacturers’ demand and replacement demand for most existing dehumidifiers. The selection software provided by ProFlute can calculate the rotor’s dehumidification capacity, resistance and other characteristic parameter to assist customers to select suitable rotors according to different dehumidification demand.

  • Material composition

    • Very high silica gel contents – 82%
    • Low glass fiber contents– only 16%
    • Acrylic surface coating – remaining 2%
  • Fire resistance

    • ASTME E-84 tested:
    • Flame index – 0
    • Smoke produced – 0
  • Technical properties

    • No limit on high relative humidity (as long as no droplets are introduced in rotor during operation)
    • Rotor can be washed in water (with weak non-alkaline detergent after saturation in humid air)
  • Physical properties

    • Dry material density – ~280 kg/m3
    • Water vapour adsorption capacity >40%
    • Surface compression strength – >200 kPa


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Contact Us


Jiangyin SAT Air Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd

Add: No. 62 Guibin Road, Ligang Street, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu, China

Fax: +86-510-86605978

Zip Code: 214441

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